The Light

The Light (AKA “Noah & The Quest to Turn the Light On”) is one of those games that’s so perfectly concise and thematically spot-on that it feels almost effortless. And yet…that’s […]


For the past several months, I and the rest of an amazing team at Pixelberry have been slaving away on our beautiful Frankenstein hell-child: a nasty little series called It […]

Screenshot of the indie game "I Have Low Stats But My Class is 'Leader', So I Recruited Everyone I Know to Fight the Dark Lord"

In games, when we discuss a novel new gimmick that seems almost impossible at a technical level, the answer to the eternal question, “How’d they do that?”, is often simply, […]

FF Story Style

It’s 2 AM on a Friday and I’m sitting in the dark writing a stylesheet for Twine. Why? Who knows! The long answer is, a personal project that will probably […]